What are the categories of Amateur Radio License in India

Gone are the days, when we had multiple categories of licenses. We used to apply for the Shortwave Listener’s License to keep a communication receiver for monitoring HAM bands before upgrading to an Amateur Radio Operator’s license, which allows to work amateur radio bands on various modes, viz., CW, Voice, Telegraph or Digital.

Following were FOUR categories of licence:-

  1. SWL (Shortwave Listeners’ Licence, allowed only to monitor the radio frequency in amateur bands).
  2. Grade II (Restriction of power was there plus one had to make 100 CW contacts and then only, was allowed to use voice after getting the licence)
  3. Grade I (Restriction of power was there but was allowed to go on air through voice immediately after getting the licence)
  4. Advance Grade (No restriction of power and can go on air immediately after getting the licence).

Today, to encourage this dying hobby, WPC (Wireless Planning & Coordination Wing) has reduced the number of categories of Licence. There are only TWO types of categories which are as below:-

(for further details kindly refer to our Amemdment in Rules, under Rules & Regulations, under Licence & Training on our DARTS's website)
  1. Restricted Grade (Morse code is not required)
  2. General Grade (Morse code with speed of 8wpm)

One has to pass a written exam to get the licence for Restricted or General grade which is organized by Monitoring station in respective city.

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