Wireless Monitoring Stations

Wireless monitoring is an integral part of the spectrum management. Wireless Monitoring Station (WMS), a field unit of the WPC Wing, carries out wireless monitoring through a network of 1(one) International Satellite Monitoring Earth Station (ISMES), 5 International Monitoring Stations (IMSs), and 22 Wireless Monitoring Stations (WMS), strategically located all over India. WMS is also equipped with 5 Radio Noise Survey Units, which undertake detailed and complicated measurements to aid in the spectrum management activity. As wireless monitoring for spectrum management is a specialised activity, WMS runs its own Training and Development Centre (T&D Centre). In addition, WMS, with its 10 Inspection Units, carries out physical inspection of wireless installations and also conduct Amateur Radio Exams from time to time.

Contact details:

Wireless Monitoring Station (WMS)
3rd floor, E-Wing, Pushpa Bhawan,
New Delhi-110062
Tel: +91 11 29054618
Fax: +91 11 29957762

List of Monitoring Station