Author name: Pradeep Kumar


Licence Validity

Once you clear your written exam by making the payment of Rs 100/- on Bharatkosh through Saralsanchar website the monitoring station will issue you the result. After you upload your result and apply for a call sign by making below payment either for Restricted or for General. Licence will be issued. The validity of licence […]


Morse Code

What is Morse Code ? A system of communication developed by Samuel Morse used for telegraph, in which the letters of the alphabet are coded as a combination of dots and dashes so that messages can either be sent using light, sound or wireless. Morse code is a method used in telecommunication to encode text characters as standardized sequences of two


What Is The Use Of This Hobby

Being an amateur radio operator is a good way to provide community service. While casual communication is one of the first things that attracts people to Ham Radio, operators also serve a larger purpose – in times of crisis when many modern technologies for communication like internet, mobile phone, satellite fails then this is the only


Bharatkosh Registration

How To Register On Bharatkosk Website – On Google Search just type bharatkosh it will take you to this website as below:- The moment you kick on that it take you to below mentioned page of Bharatkosh Click on LOGIN / REGISTER After that it will take you to below mentioned page Just below


Ohm’s Law

What is Ohm’s Law? This was derived by a German physicist named as Georg Ohm (1789-1854), Ohm’s Law is a formula used to calculate the relationship between Voltage, Current and Resistance in an electronic circuit. In electronics, Ohm’s Law (E = IR) is as fundamentally important as Einstein’s Relativity equation (E = mc²) is to physicists.


How to get the licence

Getting a Amateur Radio/HAM Radio licence is very easy. Monitoring Station keeps conducting ASOC exam from time to time. One has to get in touch with any club station like DARTS or any other club station in India or can directly apply through Saralsanchar website and you will be intimated directly through the monitoring station


What are the categories of Amateur Radio License in India

Gone are the days, when we had multiple categories of licenses. We used to apply for the Shortwave Listener’s License to keep a communication receiver for monitoring HAM bands before upgrading to an Amateur Radio Operator’s license, which allows to work amateur radio bands on various modes, viz., CW, Voice, Telegraph or Digital. Following were


How to become HAM Radio Operator

Any individual above the age of 12 can became a ham radio operator in India after qualifying in Amateur Station Operators Certificate examination conducted by “The Officer-In-Charge”, WPC, Wireless Planning Commission, Government of India, Department of Telecommunication under Ministry of Communication through monitoring station which have their office in various states / cities in India. These days it has


What is Amateur Radio / HAM Radio

Amateur Radio (ham radio) is a popular hobby and service that brings people, electronics and communication together. People use ham radio to talk across town, around the world, or even into space, all without the Internet or cell phones. It’s fun, social, educational, and can be a lifeline during natural disaster like floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis,


DARTS – In ARSI News Letter

It gives me immense pleasure that after formation of DARTS and its annual meeting – ARSI has printed three page write-up of the same in their new letter of Oct 2017. The same can be seen in ARSI’s news letter and also in the link mentioned below:-

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